Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) advice on COVID-19 emergency legislation to enable supply of controlled drugs

The ACMD is ‘generally supportive’ of government proposals to allow pharmacists to supply controlled drugs without a prescription during the pandemic, where there is a risk of discontinuity of supply of repeat prescriptions, but noted they require additional support and guidance.

SPS commentary:

On 2nd April the Home Secretary wrote to the ACMD, asking it to advise on three potential measures to enable the supply of medicines containing controlled substances during the COVID-19 pandemic. The ACMD has considered the measures and provided recommendations on their implementation.

The proposed measures include supply of controlled drugs without a prescription (where they have been part of ongoing treatment), extension of serious shortage protocols (SSPs) to include controlled drugs, and enabling pharmacists to vary the frequency of dispensing of an instalment prescription during a pandemic.


Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs

Resource links:

Original letter from the Home Secretary to the ACMD