Avoiding Peg-Filgrastim Prophylaxis During the Paclitaxel Portion of the Dose-Dense Doxorubicin-Cyclophosphamide and Paclitaxel Regimen: A Prospective Study

Small (n=125) single-arm study suggests omission of routine peg-filgrastim during dose-dense paclitaxel according to a prespecified algorithm appears to be safe and was associated with a 95.7% reduction in the use of peg-filgrastim relative to the current standard of care.

SPS commentary:

Currently, dose-dense adriamycin and cyclophosphamide followed by paclitaxel is established as a standard-of-care option and is included in the National Comprehensive Cancer Network breast cancer treatment guidelines.


The study involved using clearly defined inclusion criteria and prespecified dosing algorithms for G-CSF, where appropriate patients could be spared the expense and toxicity of growth factor support while completing paclitaxel safely and on time.


Journal of Clinical Oncology