Covid-19 Therapeutic Alert: Colchicine in the Management of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV 2) Positive Patients - Trial Use Only

Colchicine should NOT be used in the management of COVID-19 positive patients other than in the context of a trial, or unless there is an additional licensed indication for its use. Although early trial data is potentially promising, further evaluation of study data is needed.

SPS commentary:

Preliminary results from the COLCORONA trial (published as a preprint; not yet peer reviewed), show colchicine reduced risk of death or hospitalisations (4.7% v 5.8% placebo group; OR 0.79; 95.1% CI 0.61 to 1.03; P=0.08) in non-hospitalised patients with Covid-19 and may reduce hospitalisation rates for patients in the early stage of infection. However, these findings were not statistically significant and full peer-reviewed findings from the trial are currently awaited. 

Teams are encouraged to continue to consider recruitment to the RECOVERY trial, which is studying colchicine in hospitalised patients, and agreement has been reached (subject to regulatory approval) to add colchicine to the PRINCIPLE trial, a UK platform trial evaluating potential Covid-19 therapies in primary care.


Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency

Resource links:

COLCORONA trial – preliminary results