De-implementation strategy to reduce inappropriate use of intravenous and urinary catheters (RICAT): a multicentre, prospective, interrupted time-series and before and after study

Study (n=5696) found de-implementation strategy reduced inappropriate use of short peripheral IV catheters in non-surgical non ICU patients (absolute reduction 6·65%; p=0·011), whilst reduction in use of urinary catheters (6.34%) was substantial but not statistically significant

SPS commentary:

A commentary discusses what else can be done to help hospitals interested in de-implementing short peripheral intravenous catheters and urinary catheters.

It notes that education about appropriate medical indications alone is not anticipated to reduce catheter use because catheters provide clinicians with the tempting benefits of efficiency and convenience, as well as a sense of security. It suggest that to help hospitals de-implement the use of these catheters, there should be focus on capitalising on strategies that make it easy to do the right thing, such as antimicrobial stewardship resources to prompt transitions off intravenous antibiotics.


The Lancet Infectious Diseases

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