Proposed emergency legislation could see pharmacists able to supply controlled drugs without a prescription

The proposed emergency legislation would allow pharmacists to supply medicines in Schedule 2, 3 and Part 1 Schedule 4 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 without a prescription, where the patient has been receiving them as part of ongoing treatment.

SPS commentary:

The letter from the Home Secretary to the Chair of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) also includes proposals to allow supply of these controlled drugs under a Serious Shortage Protocol, and to allow pharmacists without prescribing rights to change the frequency of instalments on instalment prescriptions without the immediate need for a new prescription from a prescriber. 

This package of measures will help to secure access to controlled drugs in the pandemic and where there is a serious risk to human health. She has asked the ACMD to advise on the potential harms or risks relating to the proposed measures, and of not going ahead with them considering the current exceptional circumstances.


Home Office