Research suggests 39% of hospitals do not offer non-drug therapies to patients with dementia whilst they are in hospital

According to data obtained through a Freedom of Information request, 17% of the 87 acute trusts who responded offered all the non-drug therapies suggested by NICE, just under 45% offered one or more, but 39% said they did not offer any.

SPS commentary:

Dementia: assessment, management and support for people living with dementia and their carers (NICE Guideline [NG97]; June 2018) recommends that patients with dementia be offered a range of activities to promote wellbeing that are tailored to the person's preferences. The guidance states that group cognitive stimulation therapy be offered to people living with mild to moderate dementia; group reminiscence therapy be considered for people living with mild to moderate dementia; and cognitive rehabilitation or occupational therapy be considered to support functional ability in people living with mild to moderate dementia.

In responses to the FOI request, some NHS trusts said that patients with dementia could be referred to services in the community.


Pharmaceutical Journal

Resource links:

NICE guidance