Statement on the potential toxicological risks from electronic nicotine (and non-nicotine) delivery systems (E(N)NDS – e-cigarettes)

This review concludes the use of E(N)NDS products, as a replacement for conventional cigarette smoking, is likely to be associated with a reduction in overall risk of adverse health effects, although the magnitude of the decrease will depend on the effect in question.

SPS commentary:

This review was conducted on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England. It finds there are large gaps in the evidence, and it is not possible to fully assess the risks associated with all possible constituents; in addition it is not possible to predict the adverse health effects that could be associated with use of these products in the long-term. The Committee will keep this area under review.

A lay summary of the review is also available.


Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COT)

Resource links:

Lay summary