The healthiness and sustainability of national and global food based dietary guidelines: modelling study

Modelling study (85 countries) suggests dietary changes towards national food based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) could be associated with reductions in premature mortality from diet related non-communicable diseases, but potential benefits could be further improved for most FBDGs.

SPS commentary:

Study found that adoption of national FBDGs was associated with reductions in premature mortality of 15% on average (95% uncertainty interval 13% to 16%) and mixed changes in environmental resource demand, including a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 13% on average (regional range −34% to 35%). It also found that when universally adopted globally, most of the national guidelines were not compatible with at least one of the global health and environmental targets


According to an editorial, perhaps the most important finding from this study is the uncertainty that it highlights, not least about plant based foods. It adds that in overall terms the EAT-Lancet Commission proposals seem superior in terms of reducing mortality from non-communicable diseases and cutting greenhouse gas emissions, but global adoption would not be affordable for many in low income countries, and thus there is still have some way to go before diets can become healthier and more sustainable worldwide.


British Medical Journal

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