Title: Association of Intra-arrest Transport vs Continued On-Scene Resuscitation With Survival to Hospital Discharge Among Patients With Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

North American cohort study (n=43 969) found that intra-arrest transport to hospital was associated with lower probability of survival to hospital discharge vs continued on-scene resuscitation (4.0% vs 8.5%, risk difference 4.6%, 95%CI 4.0%-5.1%).

SPS commentary:

An editorial covering this research states that these findings challenge the “scoop and run” model for out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) by suggesting a strong clinical benefit associated with continuing the resuscitation on scene until a definitive outcome has been achieved. Before embracing this model however, and substantially changing the out-of-hospital approach to OHCA, more definitive studies, including high-quality randomised trials, will be needed.


Journal of the American Medical Association

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